Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Konichiwaaaa... 我已经忘了有多久没更新我的部落格了,应该差不多两个星期吧。我也只能说:我很想念窝在家里写部落格的日子了。

话说回来嘛,这一篇呢就是要说一说我的新生活,接着的那几篇就会写我 5 月份的旅游记了。

前天我已经开始了我的 College 生活了,而经过那天以后,那种感觉就好像电脑按到全部重设一样,所有事情都从零开始了。对于一向来不喜欢改变的我,突然面对这样的改变,当然不可能那么快就适应得来。来到了陌生的地方,身边没有一个自己认识的人,感觉还真的有少少孤单。就在那霎那,我真的真的真的想念死我的中学生活啊——————

我从小到大就是一个不懂得社交的人,这种不怎么好的性格当然是遗传了我的爸爸啊。所以就在开学的第一天,我和其他同学基本上都是零交流。瞬间觉得自己好像回到了中一的时候,那种感觉很让人厌。换作以前的话,我或许会自己一个人躲在角落不开心,但是现在不会了,毕竟长大了。就算在 College 里觉得孤单也没关系啊,至少你知道回到家后你并不孤单,你并不是一个人的。 :)


这一天,有位 Lecturer 问我们,到底为什么选择了室内设计。我很直接说出了我的原因——为了要设计一间属于自己和家人的房子。接着过后的其中一位同学说,他很喜欢设计房子,很喜欢装饰房子。然后我们的 lecturer 就说了一句: “ 室内设计并没有什么装饰房子的,就只有画图和弄建筑模型之类的,你们到底明白室内设计的真正意思吗 ? ”



究竟我是不是选错了科目 ? 我是不是已经选错了路 ?

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Impossible.

从小到大,我只看过了大概两、三部灾难片吧,而且每一部都让我印象深刻,每一个感动动人和重要的情节,我都很记得。但是最近我在网上下载了一部灾难片后,我才发现原来让我真正留下最深刻印象的那一部,就是我正下载的那部。那部灾难片是由 2004 年南亚海啸真人真事改编的 —— 《海啸奇迹》;《The Impossible》。


虽然我从未尝试过这一切,但当我看见所有的人不幸惨遭巨浪袭,内心就有一股说不出的感觉。就好像自己不是在看着一部电影,而是在看着新闻直播。明明在前一刻还是风平浪静的,所有的人都很开心地享受着...... 谁会想到就这样,一股万尺巨浪的袭来让所有的一切变了。家园被摧毁、家人失散、...... 

被眼前景象震慑住的玛莉雅(女主角),一时反应不及,不幸惨遭巨浪袭卷;而尽管亨利(男主角)及时抓住两个小儿子准备逃亡, 一切仍旧太迟,凶猛的大水最后仍冲散了他们。一度被巨浪击昏的玛莉雅,醒来后发现自己正漂浮在海面,而原本围绕在身旁的所有景物,都已被淹没于水面下,她深信家人们皆已罹难的同时,竟发现自己的大儿子卢卡斯,竟然就漂浮在距离她仅有几公尺远的海面上。玛丽雅顿时犹如被打了一剂强心针,她决定想尽办法,要带着大儿子卢卡斯一起活着离开......





Sunday, 5 May 2013


I don't have to explain so much with these pictures because I knew that some of the Malaysian would understand what is it means. 

505, The Darkest Day in Malaysia.


Friday, 3 May 2013

Don't Try To Challenge Them.

In fact, girls are very simple, not complicated that you guys thought. Perhaps is you guys think too much ? Or maybe is girls not very know how to express their own feeling ? Boys always like to asked, what girls want ? Okay, you have just asked a SIMPLE question and you will get a SIMPLE answer back. 

They just want the person they loved can be honest and loyal to them,and there are no lies between their relationship. They hope can get the sense of security from the person they trusted, they loved. That's all.

Especially is that type of self-overprotected girls. This type of girls are very difficult to believe in a person. Therefore, if you really love this type of girl, Please, please, please don't try to cheat or hurt them. If you cheated them when they are already believed in you, maybe they will feel sadness for awhile. But after that, they will force themselves to becomes more stronger to revenge you. Don't try to challenge them.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

V.I.P, Are you READY for......?

V.I.P !! GD's FANS !! Are you guys ready for......

G-DRAGON 2013 WORLD TOUR : ONE OF A KIND Concert In Malaysia Guide !!!


Featuring: G-Dragon
Organized by: Running Into The Sun & WooHoo! Experience
Produced by: YG Entertainment & Live Nation Entertainment
Date: 22 June 2013
Venue: Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Time: 8 p.m.

Ticket Sales
Categories Available:

Cat 1 (VIP): RM 588 [With Complimentary Autographed Poster]
(VIP tickets can only be purchased at fahrenheit88 on 11 May. All remaining VIP tickets will be sold via Redtix and Ticketcharge channels from 12 May onwards.)

Cat 2 (Premier Rockpit): RM 488
Cat 3 (Fixed-by-row Seating): RM 388
Cat 4 (Free Standing): RM 188 (Only sold via Redtix)
  • A maximum of 8 tickets will be allowed for purchase.

Location: Fahrenheit88 Concourse, Ground Floor, 179 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ticketson sale: 11 May 2013, 10.00am – 5.00pm
Payment:Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash
Concierge:+603 2148 5488
Tickets on sale: 11 May 2013, 2pm onwards
Outlets: For list of Redtix outlets, please refer to Redtix website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets

Tickets on sale: 11 May 2013, 2pm onwards
Outlets: For list of Ticketcharge outlets, please refer to Ticketcharge website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets

*Overseas fans can purchase tickets online via Ticketcharge and Redtix with a credit card (Visa and Mastercard) 
Note: For the category of tickets available via Ticketcharge and Redtix, please refer to their respective websites.

GD Oppa 


《 CRAYON 》♡♡


I believe that there are a lot of people are looking forward to his coming, so do I. Wooooww! ✦3✦  I was very excited when I know G-Dragon will hold his SOLO CONCERT in Malaysia. But after I saw the price of the concert ticket... OMG. RM588 is the VIP ticket (the nearest and closest to the stage) and RM488 is beside the stage ( so you can see GD very clearly on the stage too), but I never thought that I will buy this price of tickets because it's quite expensive for me. :( 

RM188 is OK to me, but it's look like to far to the stage and it's free standing. Last time I have tried before, so this time I will not buy a free standing ticket anymore. SO TIRED 1 Loooooo ! / 3\ Ermmm.. maybe RM388? But my piggy bank don't have so much money now. :( 

Even though I reallyyyyyyy want to go to GD Oppa concert, but I totally don't want to use my parent's money to buy the concert ticket. Even if I really want to go, but don't have enough money to buy the concert ticket, I'd rather not to go. I'm not STUPID, I just don't like to use my parent's money to watch a concert. That was their hard-earned money, and I don't want because of the moment that makes me satisfied,thereby their effort gone to waste.

 So, unless I start saving money now, otherwise don't expect to go to GD SOLO CONCERT. Fighting, LMV ! Fighting ! ( • ̀ω•́ )