Tuesday, 29 April 2014


"They can't hurt me. I'm not like the rest of you, there's no one left I love." —— Johanna Mason

This quote is from one of my favorite character in Hunger Games 2. From the beginning of this movie, I thought she played a bad role. But almost to the middle part of the movie, I only realized she is a good person. Perhaps she isn't in many scenes, and doesn't have many lines in this movies, but she has some quotes and dialogues, and I still have not forgotten. 

Maybe after few days, there's a post about HG in my blog? Yay, maybe....
By the way, I have to say: I really looking forward to HG 3 after I finished watch HG 2. #Neverlosehope

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Please switch off, my holiday mode. :(

Final exam is around the corner, although my course in this semester only have 1 subject that need to take exam. lol Anyway, even if only 1 subject but doesn't means it will be very easy for me. The most difficult subject for me, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION =__= No matter how many times I read those things, I still can't get very clear. And finally, I found out, it's my BRAIN'S PROBLEM! Yay, my brain's problem, because I can't focus on something I really not interested. I think be I have to fix this problem earlier. *Sigh

By the way, that's definitely not the point of this post.

Please switch off, my dear holiday mode.

My holiday start from next Tuesday, but I think I don't have that mood until I finish all my Semester 2's assignments. I have mentioned before about I didn't do very well in my Semester 2, and in fact those drawings really is "NO EYES SEE". And those assignment are related with our next semester, so I have to redo all the assignments.

Therefore, I promised myself, before I finish all my redo drawings, I will not going to anywhere for travelling or whatever. I gave myself a deadline, 1 week. So so so, I really hope that my holiday mood wont't affect me. Beside that, I also promised myself, I will try my best to lose my weight. =3= Hwaiting!! No Pain, No Gain!! 

Saturday, 12 April 2014




Thursday, 3 April 2014

Useless Me.


最近可能学业上有点压力,加上功课真的不容易应付,所以脾气也慢慢地变得很暴躁。我知道有些读设计的学生,越接触设计的事物就越担心自己是否应付得来;越担心自己是否应付得来就越担心自己的将来...... 慢慢地就会开始变得很迷茫。而在这个Semester3,我就总是处于在这个状况。

我记得有一次的presentation,我自认 真的present到很差,结束以后我就穿着那只有2寸却足以让我觉得很痛苦的’低跟鞋‘和朋友一起搭LRT赶着回家。那时候除了背着很重很重的电脑以外,我还手提着一袋有55只的markers,而且还是超级重。Presentation没有想象中的好,而且也因为这个presentation熬了几天夜,我已经很累很累了,还要背着那么重的东西,我真的害怕那时候的我会垮掉。


当我熬过了搭LRT的痛苦路程,看到爸爸的车就停在马路旁,真的打从心底觉得很开心,因为可以放下那很承重的负担。当我要走过马路走到车边的时候,看到爸爸已经走下车走到我面前,然后替我拿那重死人的55支MARKERS。那时候顿时想起小学的时候爸爸担心我们背着书包很辛苦,所以每次都替我们背着书包。而这一次,他因为听到妈妈说我’投诉‘说很累 脚很痛,所以爸就下车帮我。那一刻,我真的很想哭出来 ==


Semester3之前,我都是要搭LRT到一个地方,好让爸爸方便载我回家。但现在,爸爸却主动说我不必搭LRT了,他会在我学校附近等我 然后载我放学。其实我不知道他为什么会主动载我,毕竟KL到了5点多的时候,就会开始塞车了,而他就是个很讨厌塞车的人。他开始载我放学的时候,每次都会心想:他是不是觉得我太辛苦了,不希望我连放学回家也辛苦?





