Thursday, 22 January 2015

It's time to move on. Byebye

Recently I made a weird dream. 
It's really unexpected.

I have no idea why, but I had dream of you. 

In my dream, both of us stood on the both side of the door without saying any words. I'm trying to go inside the room, and you trying the close the door. You standing behind the door, I only can see your eyes very clearly. I tried to push the door, but you stopped me. I don't know what's the emotional on my face at that moment, but I know I'm felt so sad. And then I turned to leave with a very bad mood.

People said: "If you dream of someone which means that person was missing you." But at this moment, I feel this sentence is like a fairy tale. Age growing up, I no longer believe in fairy tale. Now I only know the feeling of being ignored and avoided by the others. Although the feeling is from that dream, but that feels was real. It's really hurt, but I don't have any right to complain or blame anyone.

This may be a hint. Perhaps this hint is from the god, from you or from my own subconscious. Let me know there are someone feel very tired and disgusted about me, and it's time to let me move on. Thanks for the gift, thanks for the wishes, thanks for the memories. I appreciate all of the things you gave me.

With the departure of 2014, please take away everything about you. Although you are one of my motivation for 2011 to 2015. But the rest of days, my motivation is no longer you and I hope is someone else.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

I'm afraid of.....

好吧,目前步入了Semester 6 了,我也只能说真的很不可思议。(-___-) 

从Semester 1 开始嘛,我就没想过这条路会很轻易地走下去,而且也看到很多人说读设计是多么困难,也随时要面对留级的可能性。这也是我一直以来很害怕的事,所以直到现在都一直拼了命学习,深怕自己会因为一时的大意,换来的是父母亲的失望。

不过自己的努力能撑到Semester 6,除了很开心以外,同时也觉得很幸运。毕竟这一年多不是我自己一个人孤身作战,身边也有朋友的帮忙。所以说世界上少了朋友,世界的颜色也只剩下黑与白。

现在已经步入 2015 年了,林美薇还有不到10月就20岁了,这是我最害怕的一件事。或许对很多人来说,20岁才是年轻人自由的时期,但对于我来说这不是自由。年纪一年一年增加,就会开始慢慢意识到时间是过得那么快,10年、20年这些似乎一眨眼就很快过去了。时间那么快流逝,就越让我担心自己现在所做的一切会否让自己后悔等等的事。

最近看了一漫画,Orange。讲诉着有一个女学生收到了一封信,是未来的自己寄给她的。信里的内容,就是未来的她希望过去的她能改变自己觉得后悔的事,例如拯救她最心爱的他。简单来说,这就是一本让人觉得虐心又感动的漫画。目前还没更新完,自己就已经哭得要生要死。T^T (虽然现在是大力推荐这漫画,可这不是重点啦 LOL





