Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Must Be Stronger !

We must be stronger than men !
———— 《纸月亮》


Tuesday, 8 December 2015

In Time With You# 02


———————— 程又青,《我可能不会爱你》

程又青:【我用我自己的钱 买我自己的包包 装我自己的故事】 


Monday, 7 December 2015

Movie "The Giver 记忆传承人 "

最近电视播出了一部电影,The Giver 《记忆传承人》。
这部电影2014年 电影院就已上映,可我对这部电影却没什么印象。连它的故事、预告片都没看过,所以并没带着任何期待心情去观看这部电影。



The Giver 这电影有几个很特别的设定,


男主角开始接受职务训练后,他逐渐地看见颜色了。而当他开始看见颜色的时候,他开始感到很有兴趣也开始变得很好奇,好奇以前的世界究竟是怎么样的。不过他万万没有想到,他之所以会那么兴奋和好奇,全是因为前任记忆传承人(The Giver)没让他看见黑暗的一面。例如:杀害动物、打仗、剥夺人命等等。



“People are weak, people are selfish. When people have the freedom to choose, they choose wrong. Every single time.”





有的人觉得大家都有资格和权力知道以前的世界是如何,我们都没资格剥夺任何人的幸福快乐。跳舞唱歌、结婚、派对、婴儿诞生、亲情爱情友情、...... 这些欢乐和幸福不应该就这样被埋没。就像电影里的一句对白“If you can't feel, what's the point?” 


有时候想想,如果现实就像 记忆传承人 这部电影里的世界一样,或许就不会那么多悲剧发生了。



Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Waiting a Heavy Rain. I Need a Rainbow in My World.

I do know what's my problems: Lack of confident and mind is full of negative thoughts.

I tried to change when I was form 5 and also after I graduated from my high school. Although I don't have confident at that time, but at least I still have optimistic thoughts. I will tried control myself not to think about bad things, and I did it. That moment, I thought I could continue like that...... But, no.

This few days, I keep on recalling.. I don't know how the old me maintained a optimistic attitude and thoughts. I remember I like to and always free to watch movie on that time because I haven't start my college yet. That time I believed that movies can let me learn a lot of things. I don't care about the movie's rating or reviews, I just watch every movies that show on TV. 

Yup. I learned things. Even is a horror movie, or a movie that have full of bad reviews, I still can find the values of the movie. And all the things I learned from movies is good, is positive. Therefore, I began to love to watching movie and sometime I will put in myself into the movie character, imagining I'm living in the movie world. After that I will tried to think and feel, not as I, but as a movie role. So if I watching a very touching movie, I definitely will cry like hell.

But now, no matter what movie I watch, the things I learned is all negative...... Well, I'm not saying that I learned something illegal from the movies. What I was trying to say is, now I only see the bad sides in every single movie. Especially the movies like Divergent, the Giver and others.

I hate myself. Especially this ME.

I know it doesn't fix the problem even if I continue hating myself. I always say to myself: As an Interior Designer, we solve problems. But if I can't even solve my own problem, how could I solve the other peoples' problem?

I started to doubt about my ability......

I went to Tioman Island during my semester break. I sat on the beach, looked at the sea, listened to the wind, and started to think about my future, and also who I really am. I can't get any answer. -BLANK- Just like the sky full of haze, we can't see clearly and feel lost.

I'm waiting, waiting for a heavy rain. Because I know, without the rain there would be no rainbow.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Recent Me. September 2015

Finally I'm back! Perhaps I should say I am still alive LOL _(:з」∠)_
Yeap, I finished my semester 7, and now I was "enjoying" my semester break. When I was rushing my final project, I thought I will be very exciting during my semester break, but obviously NOPE. I have no idea why, but I feel empty. 

I guess maybe is because my diploma life is going to end, so I felt afraid. Yea, afraid, scare, fear,...lost. Before semester break, I'm sure I will continue my studies, but uncertainty is in Malaysia or Taiwan. Because I told my parents before, I have considered to go to Taiwan to continue my studies, but now...... Hrmmm.. 

I like Taiwan. Even though I never been there before, but I just don't know why I like there. But I afraid I will make the wrong decision...... As a dialogue in the movie "The Giver": "When people have the freedom to choose, they choose wrong.  Every. Single. Time." After I watched this movie, I really hope the Chief Elder will help me to make a choice. (If you have watch this movie, then you will know what I'm trying to say. *Sigh*).

I feel depressed in last whole week. Actually I had a plan for my semester break. First, exercise everyday. Second, clean my room. Third, hang out and buy some new clothes. Fourth, travel with friends to one of the island in Malaysia! Fifth, read the novels that I bought. Last, start to think about my future. 

Okay...... My DEPRESSION is ruining my plan...... (Well, at least I have done the third. The first and fifth still in progress. hahahaha) (づ ̄▽ ̄)づ

Sometimes we could not cheat on ourselves, that's true. I keep on thinking the same thing, but I still can't get an answer that make me feel satisfy. 

"Who am I?" "My name is Lim Mei Vyei, I'm 20 years old, I live in Kuala Lumpur...... "

Well, that's an identity, that's not the answer I want.
This is the another reason why I feel lost and empty this few days.

I am very happy, but why I do not smile?
I do have friends, but why do I feel bored?
I have planned everything, but why do I feel so helpless?

I feel I have lost the connection with this world. ( But I declare, I'm not going to kill myself okay ¬_¬ lol )

Last week I went out alone. Every time I want to go shopping, I will choose to go alone. This habit makes me feel happy, freedom and comfortable. On that day, I sat on the bench, and looking at the crowd...... I don't know any one of them, and no one knows me. The gang of friends, Couples, Families,...... They just passed in front of me, I feel like I was transparent.  

Last time I don't understand why some people don't like to be alone... and now I got it. It makes peoples feel lonely.
Hrmmm.... Even so, sometime I still prefer to being alone, but not always. ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life’s greatest tests alone.” -Agnes Macphail.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Latest Status: WHAT SHOULD I DO

嗯,最近过得还不错。总是到处去走走似乎已经变成了我的习惯,有时候在家里呆着太久都会觉得怪怪的。不过这就是设计系学生的生活,Work Hard Play Hard!玩耍过后,要面对的就是一大堆的压力。


嘛,虽然说过得没有很忙碌,而且还很懒散,可是压力指数并没有降低,还不停地上升。毕竟现在已经是Semester7了,是我们diploma生涯里第一份Hospitality Project,同时也是最后一份project了。我们大家都希望在这个project里,我们都能做得很好,慢慢地给自己的要求也变多了,压力自然而然也变多了。

这次的项目我选择了本地的一间理发院,也希望能挑战自己从来没尝试过的东西。第一份项目,我选择了我向往的风格去设计一间住宅。第二份项目,我选择了当时蛮流行的风格去设计一间办公室。第三个项目,是Retail Project,我想自己选择和别人不一样的,同时也是自己喜欢的东西,也就是玩具店。前三个的项目算是我在做自己喜欢的事,但是到了最后一个项目,我希望自己能做些自己没什么喜欢,有点不同的东西。







现在看到自己做的模型,真的很想一把火烧了。(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

沮丧了几天,几天里一直和自己说就算失落也要继续前进。妈呀,我已经沮丧了整个学期了,什么时候才能停止呢...... 再多不到1个月的期限,我真的不知道自己到底能不能把整个项目做好。

加油吧 林美薇。

Friday, 22 May 2015

BElieve in YOUrself


不过除此之外,另一个原因不想和姐姐同一间学院或大学:不希望被长辈们拿我来和她们比较。不过我应该觉得庆幸的是,拿我来和她们比较的并不是我的父母,而是学校里的老师。从小学开始,老师对我的第一个印象永远都是 “你不是谁谁谁的妹妹吗?”。那时候我的心里总是在想,真正知道我名字、真正认识我的人到底在哪?


不过当你一直在 [ “为什么你姐成绩那么好,你的就......”、“你姐姐很厉害啊......”、“你应该让她去补习,成绩就会像她姐姐那样......” ] 这种环境下成长,我相信无论是谁也无法度过快乐的日子。




直到UPSR,我获得两颗A。和两个获得全A的姐姐相比,我的这种成绩我根本不想要把它拿出来给人看。每当亲戚问起我考得如何,我根本没有资格很大声地说我考得不错。不过爸爸就总是说一句话:尽力就好 有努力过 可是考得不好没关系 至少你努力过。




不过直到有一次的drama class 的演讲,我们都被安排各自要到台上演讲自己的稿。虽然是个小小的舞台,但我印象很深刻。因为那是我人生中第一次到台上演讲,而且还是必须说英文。前面坐着的有很多没见过的大人(印象最深刻的 就是所有人力有几位是光头的 哈哈),最熟悉的就是我爸,他也是观众之一。或许应该这么说吧,这是我人生中第一次在我爸面前说英文,而且还是一整个稿。压力、紧张的感觉,还在寄存在我的心里。演讲完后,观众们鼓掌,爸也鼓掌......虽然忘了后面的句子,表现得也没有很好,可最后还是跑到后台默默地开心得哭出来了。






有很多很多的第一次,像是替学院当helper、参加比赛、和朋友去旅行、参加学校的活动等等,这些都让我觉得很不可思议。以前的我,根本不会浪费时间在学校里,或者害怕和家人沟通(虽然现在也一样 哈哈),不过现在的我,虽然还有点胆怯,但因为那一点点的改变,让我已经觉得很满足了。


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

I hate myself.










Monday, 16 February 2015

Semester 5 Commercial Office Project

Today's post is about my semester 5 assignment.

Office type: Graphic Design Firm
Concept: Recycle
Style: Modern Rustic Style

Before I start this assignment, I hope that I can try something different with my previous residential project. For example like try to use another materials instead of using wood. Building construction, detailing and materials always is my weakness, and now I'm trying to improve myself. But, although how many times I remind myself not to use so many wood materials, but at last I still used it. LOL Yay, maybe just like what my lecturer said, everyone have their own style.

Ok, so now I'm going to show my office project with 3D Perspectives.

This area is the reception lobby. The concept for this assignment is Recycle, so I decide to use many reclaimed wood to design the wall and the reception counter. And also decide to use some recycle materials like spoon to design a unique chandelier for the reception lobby.

Next, this is the CEO room. Actually in this area, I didn't focus so much about the concept, except of the reclaimed wood flooring and the office table design. This area I focus more on the style, Modern Rustic Style.

Okay, next is the Meeting Room. Honestly, I really feel unsatisfied on this interior design. The partition, the furniture and the carpet are totally not match at all. Before my presentation, I really quite worried of my lecturer will ask me about the reason why I chosen these materials.

On the first picture, beside of the meeting room is a waiting area. For the second view, the another side of the meeting room is the pantry.

Last but not the least, this perspective is Working Area. 5 seats for senior and junior graphic designer. According to the concept, all of the wood material is reclaimed wood, and the middle of the area will place a round table which using 2 recycled wood barrel as the table legs. Beside that, right hand side have a C shape plastic bottle partition.

Well, this commercial office project finally DONE. We have spent a lot of money on this project, although I still feel very heartache right now.... BUT! LMV! No matter how much you spent right now, you have to earn back the money in the future! No, not the same amount! Should earn double, triple or even more!

My first dream is become an interior designer

So, Semester 6 JIA YOU! Fighting!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

It's time to move on. Byebye

Recently I made a weird dream. 
It's really unexpected.

I have no idea why, but I had dream of you. 

In my dream, both of us stood on the both side of the door without saying any words. I'm trying to go inside the room, and you trying the close the door. You standing behind the door, I only can see your eyes very clearly. I tried to push the door, but you stopped me. I don't know what's the emotional on my face at that moment, but I know I'm felt so sad. And then I turned to leave with a very bad mood.

People said: "If you dream of someone which means that person was missing you." But at this moment, I feel this sentence is like a fairy tale. Age growing up, I no longer believe in fairy tale. Now I only know the feeling of being ignored and avoided by the others. Although the feeling is from that dream, but that feels was real. It's really hurt, but I don't have any right to complain or blame anyone.

This may be a hint. Perhaps this hint is from the god, from you or from my own subconscious. Let me know there are someone feel very tired and disgusted about me, and it's time to let me move on. Thanks for the gift, thanks for the wishes, thanks for the memories. I appreciate all of the things you gave me.

With the departure of 2014, please take away everything about you. Although you are one of my motivation for 2011 to 2015. But the rest of days, my motivation is no longer you and I hope is someone else.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

I'm afraid of.....

好吧,目前步入了Semester 6 了,我也只能说真的很不可思议。(-___-) 

从Semester 1 开始嘛,我就没想过这条路会很轻易地走下去,而且也看到很多人说读设计是多么困难,也随时要面对留级的可能性。这也是我一直以来很害怕的事,所以直到现在都一直拼了命学习,深怕自己会因为一时的大意,换来的是父母亲的失望。

不过自己的努力能撑到Semester 6,除了很开心以外,同时也觉得很幸运。毕竟这一年多不是我自己一个人孤身作战,身边也有朋友的帮忙。所以说世界上少了朋友,世界的颜色也只剩下黑与白。

现在已经步入 2015 年了,林美薇还有不到10月就20岁了,这是我最害怕的一件事。或许对很多人来说,20岁才是年轻人自由的时期,但对于我来说这不是自由。年纪一年一年增加,就会开始慢慢意识到时间是过得那么快,10年、20年这些似乎一眨眼就很快过去了。时间那么快流逝,就越让我担心自己现在所做的一切会否让自己后悔等等的事。

最近看了一漫画,Orange。讲诉着有一个女学生收到了一封信,是未来的自己寄给她的。信里的内容,就是未来的她希望过去的她能改变自己觉得后悔的事,例如拯救她最心爱的他。简单来说,这就是一本让人觉得虐心又感动的漫画。目前还没更新完,自己就已经哭得要生要死。T^T (虽然现在是大力推荐这漫画,可这不是重点啦 LOL





