Monday, 13 January 2014

BYE Sem2, HI Sem3! Fighting!

Hi, readers! :)

Hrmm, Finally we got our final exam result. I have told you guys before, I very very afraid about my examination result because I don't have any expectation, and I really didn't try ma best at all. I was lazier than Semester one, and I'm not going to blame anyone. It is my own problem, my bad habit. My lecturer was right, he said: We have to find out what is our weakness and our bad habit. If we find out our weakness and bad habits, we should find a method to solve the problems. We are designer, we create a lot of things, but we not create problems, we have to solve problems. 

I talked too much already I know, and until now I still haven't announce my result in my bloggie. LOL Actually, I got 3.42 in my CPGA. This marks are really out of my expectation. (And we knew that this wasn't the marks that we should took) We are too LUCKY, but we never know how long our LUCK will continue. Therefore, I will not satisfy. Ermm, I means I should not satisfy. 

So now, I'm going to show one of my Semester 2's furniture assignments.

This is my final assignment, is an individual assignment——My Dream Furniture. As you guys can see, it was a hanging chair and the concept of mine is from Cloud. I always hoped that I could have the chance to sleep on the cloud, but I knew that is impossible. LOL Therefore, I tried to use my dream, my concept and hanging chair combined together. And this is what I have done! :D

And now, we are Semester three students, we are senior already.(Sounds like so old haha) I know that I have to be mature and be serious in my studies. I don't want to waste my parent's money to study the course that I LIKED, but after that I get a BAD result. So, I WILL TRY MA BEST! Perhaps I can't be a famous designer, but I hoped that I can be a professional designer! MY TARGET, TAIWAN!!!!! LOL

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